Board meeting agendas

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February 17, 2008

The next meeting is February 17 at 5pm

  • Set new officers or continue the old ones.
  • "multi-cast" books on we want to expand into this?
  • financial audit
  • SOP
  • Contracts
  • Goals progress report

January 13, 2008

The next meeting is January 13 at 4pm

  • Goals for the upcoming year and beyond
  • Assessment of last year's goals
  • SOP discussion
  • Contracts progress
  • Production calendar discussion
  • Touring Artists Roster (TAR) workshop report

November 18, 2007

The next meeting is November 18 at 3pm

  • SOP discussion
  • Accounting procedures as relates to grantwriting

August 19th, 2007

The next meeting is August 19th at 6pm.

  • Vote on contract with actors
  • Discuss Standard operating procedures
  • Discuss the Future of ARTC

May 6th, 2007

  • contract (if available)
  • Contracts