Board meeting agendas

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2008 Board agendas
2007 Board agendas

April 2009

The next meeting is in April, on the same day as the Officers meeting.

February 8, 2009

The next meeting is February 8 at 6:30pm. Location TBA.

  • website
  • contracts - points (in Doug's hands)
  • script filing (Caran and David (Daniel T?))
  • revisit goals discussion

January 18, 2009

The next meeting is January 18 at 6:30pm. Location TBA.

  • Elect Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Recording Secretary, and Parliamentarian.
  • Elect or re-affirm members of the Executive Committee.
  • Live performance assessments
  • Goals for the coming year
    • Production Goals
      • Release 9 new titles to
        • Pickman's Model (Q1)
        • A Case of Abuse (Q1)
        • Arkham Home Companion (Q1)
        • Rory Rammer (Q2)
        • An Atlanta Christmas (Q2)
        • Throne of Shadows (Q2)
        • Country of the Blind (Q3)
        • Kissed by a Stranger (Q3)
        • All You Zombies... (Q4)
      • Studio time solutions (Q2)
      • Produce six live performances (3, public, 3 convention) (ONGOING)
    • Sales/Distribution goals
      • Improve POS hardware/software
      • Sales tracking
      • Think of and take steps to get out of the mail order distribution business
      • Make selected live recordings and special studio projects easily available to any radio station that wants them, whether Internet based or over-the-air. (Q1 to start, but ONGOING)
      • Dispose of cassette inventory (Q1)
    • Development goals
      • Research specific grants (Q1, but ONGOING)
      • Revamp the website to give it a more modern look and easier updating (Q3 or sooner)
    • Educational goals
      • Make progress on certain old projects that have been tabled
        • How-to book for radio drama (Q2)
        • Educational video (Q2)
    • Organizational goals
      • Document essential procedures (Q2)
      • Define essential documentation (Q2)
      • Script filing - reorganize, get electronic copies, and electronic documentation (Q4)
      • Formalize electronic archiving and make a plan for getting past archives stored properly. (Q3) and (ONGOING)