Board meeting agendas

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Revision as of 16:49, 8 January 2011 by Rory (talk | contribs)
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2010 Board agendas
2009 Board agendas
2008 Board agendas
2007 Board agendas

February 19, 2011

The next meeting will be on February 19 at 2pm

January 8, 2011

The next meeting will be on January 8 at 2pm

  • Elect chairman of the board
  • Election of new EC
  • Update on Sounds of Liberty
  • Budget submission for Marketing/Production
    • Central Arts Marketing campaign - report and ARTC's participation level
    • CD replication - which titles
    • Assorted marketing expenses
    • Assorted overhead
    • Website
    • other
  • Contracts - finishing older productions, how to handle new ones?