2012 Agendas

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Back to Business activities page

July 28, 2012

The next meeting will be July 28 at 4:00pm

This meeting has been merged into the Board meeting on the same day, set to start at 2:00pm.

June 23, 2012

The next meeting will be June 23 at 2:00pm

  • Show Cue System site license
  • LibertyCon - getting Bob a ride and possible reimbursement for gas money for rehearsals
  • PayPal update
  • Audiobook project - Grimoire
  • Dragon*Con agenda
  • Lovecraft's Nightmares prep
  • Atlanta Art Lives Here

April 28, 2012

The next meeting will be April 28 at 4:00pm

  • show cue system site license

March 17, 2012

The next meeting will be March 17 at 4:00pm

  • PayPal - do we want to set up the necessary accounts to be able to be on Bandcamp?
  • Final decision regarding product pricing.
  • Wholesaling - finding potential outlets and approaching them.
  • Production meeting - live performances 3/24, 4pm. Studio production meeting coming soon.
  • Audiobook project - on hold pending advice from Kelley's agent.
  • Glass mastering vendor
    • Creative Media's minimum order is 1000 - too high
    • New Cyberian is in California - shipping costs and shipping time
    • Offer promotional consideration for Creative Media?
  • Phoenix Force - May 12
  • Hearts for Heroes - May 10
  • Free Comic Book day - May 5

February 25, 2012

The next meeting will be February 25 at 6:00pm

  • Treasurer's report
    • End of year report
    • Notification of deposit/check procedure
    • Sound of Liberty - what is being planned?
  • Bandcamp
    • It is the de facto standard for independent online sales.
    • It requires artists to receive payments through PayPal.
    • Other alternate distribution methods - flash drives, etc.
  • Budget creation to submit to the Board.
  • Appointment of officers
    • Which official posts do we have?
    • Who is occupying them?
    • Do we need any additional posts?
    • Keeping a record of who appointed each officer and the duties of that officer.
  • Status of mail order sales
    • Do we want to continue to offer this service?
    • If so, how can we increase the activity?
    • What level of mail order sales are sustainable?
    • The role of wholesaling...would we like to get out of the mail order business ourselves?
  • General schedule of meetings for advance planning
  • Terminus Media / CDC Project
    • Quick Review
  • On-line meetings and voting