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Want to support ARTC? There are a lot of ways to do it!
- You can go to our website at and buy one (or more!) of our quality studio recordings via mail order!
- You can go to and buy one (or more!) of our quality studio recording via download!
- You can help us with the projects listed on this wiki! Most of what we need is available on the internet, so just look around and see what you can see.
- Take a look at our Wishlist and either add to it or see if you have something we need.
- If you can't afford a CD and don't have time to help with the wiki projects, just tell someone about us! It's really that simple, just tell them about the wiki, tell them about our website (, or tell them about our podcast ( It's the simplest thing, but believe it or not, it's one of the most valuable things you can do to support New Old-Time Radio.
There is Adventure in Sound!