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A lot of the software mentioned here is avaliable at for a very good price. What we don't have is the computer to put it on. is a clearing house of donated products from different companies including Adobe and Microsoft. ARTC is a Member Cyd signed us up and we qualified. You first have to sign yourself up then you can sign on as a member of ARTC Currently Microsoft Office 2007 is available for $20.00. The Currrent Version of Norton is available with 3 Liscences for a very good price. You will need the pass word to sign up as an ARTC member if you are interested in doing this email Cyd. Nancy

Good to know. I think for now we should wait until we have the computer itself before spending money on software for it. Those are reasonably common items and should still be there when we're ready for them. Rory 20:34, 24 May 2007 (CDT)